Since its introduction as the successor to the AFX Powerdex in 2014, the AFR500 series of air/fuel ratio monitors have come to be known as the standard bearer in wideband O2 tuning by professionals and enthusiasts alike.
The long anticipated AFR500v3 and AFR500v3CAN will begin shipping on November 15th, 2023! Preorders placed before this date are eligible for a 10% discount.
Ballenger Motorsports AFR500v3
Ballenger Motorsports AFR500v3CAN
What’s new with the AFR500v3?
- A digitally derived output with a higher resolution digital/analog converter
- FOUR times the measurement resolution (4096 increments compared to the previous 1024)
- The ASIC chips, one of the most common points of failure from electrostatic damage, will be completely replaced with a custom board providing better protection and upgrade capabilities.
- The ability to display from 0.0 to 6.0 in lambda setting for better flexibility with alternate fuels such as diesel.
- Ability to upgrade firmware for future sensor types
- All harnesses, control units, accessories, etc are backwards and forwards compatible
- Options are selectable at any time via internal jumpers

The AFR500v3CAN will also feature:
- Programmable CAN termination resistor
- Sensor Averaging Filter setting
- O2% output
- Fault condition diagnostics
- IP, pump cell current output
- Sensor Temperature output
- Heater duty cycle output
- Battery voltage output
Shipping 11/15/2023!